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Article 5
Supplementary Standards
The purpose and intent of this Article is to establish minimum standards
for accessory and temporary uses, design standards, Parks and Recreation,
performance standards, legal documents, and density bonus programs.
See Art. 1.H, Definitions and Acronyms.
Deviation(s) from the provisions of this Article may be permitted for
development supporting Government Facilities within the PO Zoning District,
subject to Art. 2, Application Processes and Procedures and PPM #ZO-O-063, as applicable and as amended. [Ord.
2007-013] [Ord. 2010-022] [Ord. 2019-005]
The following provisions in this Section shall apply to all development
in Standard, PDD, or TDD Zoning Districts, unless otherwise stated. [Ord. 2007-001]
[Ord. 2017-007]
a. Standards
Uses indicated in the Use Matrices as a dash (-) for a zoning district
shall not be allowed as an accessory use unless stated otherwise in Art. 4, Use Regulations. An accessory use or structure shall be subject to the same regulations
that apply to the principal use or structure, except as otherwise stated. [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2023-009]
b. Location
All accessory uses and structures except for approved off-site parking,
shall be located on the same lot as the principal use. No accessory structure
shall be located in the front or side street yard except for dumpsters, or
unless stated otherwise herein. [Ord.
2017-007] [Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2018-002]
1) General
Structures such as: fences and
walls; entry features for access ways internal to a PUD; bike racks; outdoor
recreation amenities and support structures such as cabanas, located within a
Neighborhood Recreation Facility or Recreation Pod; or, structures, projections,
and improvements listed in Art. 3.D.1.D.5,
Setback Exceptions, excluding mechanical equipment accessory to a building,
may be allowed within front or side street yards. [Ord. 2017-025]
2) Exceptions for
Buildings Accessory to Residential
A detached garage, cabana, Accessory
Quarters, or Guest Cottage, may be allowed within the front or side street
yard, subject to the following: [Ord. 2017-025]
a) The building is consistent with the architectural characteristics
of the principal building, including roofing materials, fenestration, and paint
color, where applicable; [Ord.
b) When accessory to a principal residential use, such as a Single
Family home, accessory structures shall be connected to the principal building
by common shared driveways, sidewalks, or pathways; and, [Ord. 2017-025]
c) An application for a DO or Building Permit for any building
proposing to utilize this provision shall include an affidavit from a licensed Architect
or general contractor, delineating how the proposed building will be in
compliance with the requirements above.
[Ord. 2017-025]
3) Accessory Solar
Accessory solar in the form of
mechanical equipment attached to other permitted structures, or Solar Trees, in
accordance with the standards of Art. 5.B.1.A.27,
Accessory Solar Energy Systems. [Ord. 2017-025]
c. Floor Area
1) Non-Residential
Zoning Districts
Where allowed, accessory uses and
structures shall not exceed 30 percent of the GFA or business receipts of the
principal use or uses, whichever is more restrictive. Minor Utility use is not
subject to this provision. [Ord. 2017-007]
2) Residential Zoning
Accessory uses and structures in the U/S Tier shall not exceed the
square footage of the principal use.
d. Setbacks, Accessory Structure
1) Residential Districts
Accessory structures shall be
allowed subject to the requirements below, provided they are not located in an
established easement or required landscape buffer unless exempted by Art. 5.F.2.A, Easement
Encroachment. [Ord. 2023-009]
a) Accessory Living
Accessory dwellings, such as Guest
Cottages, Grooms Quarters, and other Accessory Quarters, shall meet the minimum
setback in Table
3.D.1.A, Property Development Regulations, with the exception of properties
with an RR FLU designation which shall be subject to a 25-foot side or rear
setback. [Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2023-009] [Ord. 2023-021]
b) Townhouse
Accessory structures shall meet the setback and separation requirements
in Table 3.D.2.A, Townhouse Property
Development Regulations. No
detached accessory building or structure other than permitted fences or walls
shall be permitted on any lot less than 30 feet in width.
c) ZLL
Accessory structures shall meet the setback requirements of Table 3.D.2.B, ZLL Property Development
Regulations. [Ord.
d) Single Family
and Multifamily
(1) Residential
Zoning Districts and AR Lots Less than One Acre
Accessory structures ten feet or
less in height shall meet a minimum five-foot setback from the side and rear
property lines. Accessory structures over ten feet in height shall meet the
minimum setbacks in Table 3.D.1.A,
Property Development Regulations. [Ord.
2016-042] [Ord. 2023-009] [Ord. 2023-021]
(2) Within AR Zoning
District on Lots One Acre and Greater
Accessory structures shall be set
back from the side and rear property lines as follows: [Ord. 2023-009]
(a) Lots five acres or greater; minimum of 25 feet. [Ord. 2023-009]
(b) Lots one acre or greater and less than five acres; minimum of 15
feet. [Ord. 2023-009]
e) Minimum Setback
from Easements for AR Districts
Accessory structures, excluding
fences, shall be a minimum of five feet from all established drainage easements
unless the Applicant can demonstrate that drainage requirements are met through
the Building Permit process. [Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2023-009]
2) Prohibition in
Landscape Buffers
Accessory structures shall not be
located within a required landscape buffer. [Ord. 2016-042]
3) Non-Residential
Accessory structures shall meet the setback requirements in Table 3.D.1.A, Property Development
4) U/S Tier –
Maximum Accessory Structure Dimensions
In the U/S Tier, all accessory structures located on a parcel in a
residential district shall not occupy more than 25 percent of the distance
between property lines. [Ord. 2008-037] [Ord. 2016-042]
Figure 5.B.1.A – Accessory Structure Dimensions
e. Specific Accessory Uses
1) Office
a) Areas of a building dedicated to the administrative operation and
incidental to a principal use or uses listed in the Use Matrices may be
Permitted by Right. [Ord. 2017-007]
b) One parking space shall be provided for every 250 square feet of
accessory office. [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2020-001]
2) Incidental Sales
Sales of products incidental to a
principal use may be Permitted by Right in commercial, industrial, or institutional,
public, and civic Use Classifications subject to the following, unless stated
otherwise: [Ord. 2017-007]
a) Maximum ten percent of the GFA; [Ord. 2017-007]
b) One parking space for every 200 square feet of accessory sales; [Ord.
c) Merchandise is not stored outside or visible from any street; and,
[Ord. 2017-007]
d) Commercial signage is only to advertise the principal use. [Ord.
The height shall be measured adjacent to the fence or wall from the
lowest grade on either side of the fence or wall, unless stated otherwise
below: [Ord. 2015-006] [Ord. 2016-016]
1) Located on Berm
Height shall be measured from the elevation of the berm where the fence
or wall is constructed, unless in conflict with standards for Grade Change
below. [Ord. 2015-006]
2) Grade Change
a) Residential
Height may be increased when the fence or wall is located on a retaining
wall, subject to the requirements of Art. 5.B.1.A.2.b.5), Residential District
Grade Changes. [Ord.
b) PDD or Non-Residential
Perimeter Buffers
Height may be increased when the fence or wall is located on a retaining
wall, subject to the requirements of Art. 7.D.5, Landscape Buffers with Grade
Changes. [Ord. 2016-016]
b. Height and Related Standards
1) Residential Uses
The maximum height for a fence or wall on or adjacent to a residential
lot line or in a landscape buffer shall be as follows: [Ord. 2015-006] [Ord. 2019-023] [Ord. 2019-034]
a) Within required front setback:
(1) four feet, or [Ord. 2005-041] [Ord. 2015-006]
(2) six feet for property owned by
PBC for preservation or conservation purposes. [Ord. 2005-041] [Ord.
b) Within required side, side
street, and rear setback: six feet. [Ord. 2015-006]
c) Within a landscape buffer: six
feet. [Ord. 2015-006]
Figure 5.B.1.A – Typical Example of Residential Fence and Wall Height
[Ord. 2005-041] [Ord. 2015-006]
2) Non-Residential Uses
The maximum height for a fence or wall on or adjacent to a lot line or
in a landscape buffer shall be as follows: [Ord.
2015-006] [Ord. 2019-023] [Ord. 2019-034]
a) Within the required front
setback: six feet. [Ord. 2015-006]
b) Within the required side, side
street, and rear setback: eight feet. [Ord. 2015-006]
3) Attachments
Gates, gateposts, decorative features, and lights attached to a fence or
wall in a setback or perimeter buffer shall not exceed three feet in any
horizontal distance or two feet in height above the fence or wall. Decorative
features and lights shall be spaced a minimum of eight feet apart, measured on
center. [Ord. 2015-006]
Figure 5.B.1.A – Attachments to Walls
[Ord. 2015-006]
4) General
a) Fences and walls up to eight feet
in height shall be permitted within a street buffer adjacent to a golf course. [Ord.
b) Fences around tennis courts
may exceed six feet in height, subject to the setback requirements in Table 5.B.1.A, Setbacks. [Ord. 2015-006]
c) The ZC and BCC may require
increased heights to ensure adequate screening and buffering between
incompatible uses. [Ord. 2015-006] [Ord. 2016-016]
d) The DRO may approve increased
fence heights and modify allowable locations for fences with and without barbed
wire for Minor Utilities and Water or Wastewater Treatment Plants. [Ord.
2007-013] [Ord. 2015-006]
e) Schools may increase the fence height to eight feet along the
perimeter of the site. [Ord. 2017-007]
f) Walls subject to noise mitigation shall comply with Art. 7.D.4.B.2, Noise Mitigation Walls.
[Ord. 2018-002]
5) Residential District Grade Changes
The height of a fence or wall located within the front, side, or rear
setback of a lot supporting a Single Family dwelling unit, may be increased
when located adjacent to a lot having a different elevation where a retaining
wall is installed along the property line, in accordance with the following: [Ord. 2015-006] [Ord. 2016-016]
a) Grade
The difference in grade shall be determined by measuring the elevation
where the fence or wall is constructed and the elevation of the abutting lot at
the property line. [Ord. 2015-006]
b) Maximum Height
The height of the fence or wall may be increased by the difference in
grade up to a maximum of two feet, whichever is less, as follows: [Ord.
(1) Within the required front
setback: Up to a maximum of six feet. [Ord.
(2) Within a side or rear setback:
Up to a maximum of eight feet. [Ord.
(3) A guard railing not to exceed
three feet in height may be permitted where the grade difference is greater
than two feet, provided the mass of the railing does not exceed the mass
necessary to meet the opening limitations and strength requirements of the
Florida Building Code, Residential. [Ord.
Figure 5.B.1.A – Residential District Grade Changes
Examples of Wall in the Side or Rear Setbacks
Typical Example of a
1’ Grade Difference
Typical Example of a
2’ Grade Difference
Typical Example of a Grade
Difference > 2’
[Ord. 2015-006]
c. Walls – Appearance
The exterior surface of a wall shall be finished with paint, stucco, or
other commonly accepted material, and continuously maintained in its original
d. Sight Distance
Walls and fences shall comply with Art. 11.E.9.C, Minimum Safe Sight Distance
and Corner Clips at Intersection.
Fences or walls in any zoning district, shall not be electrified or
contain any substance such as broken glass, spikes, nails, barbed wire, razors,
or any other dangerous material designed to inflict discomfort, pain, or injury
to a person or animal, except as allowed below. [Ord. 2010-005] [Ord.
1) Barbed Wire
Exceptions and Regulations
The use of barbed wire is prohibited except in instances as detailed
below. The County recognizes that barbed wire may be necessary to secure
certain non-residential uses or structures. Therefore, the County allows the
installation of barbed wire on top of the fence or wall, subject to the following: [Ord. 2005-002] [Ord. 2010-005] [Ord.
2011-001] [Ord. 2017-007]
a) Allowable Uses
for Barbed Wire
(1) Commercial Communication Towers [Ord. 2017-007]
(2) Electric Power Plant; [Ord.
(3) Electric Transmission Facility; [Ord. 2017-007]
(4) Minor Utility; [Ord. 2017-007]
(5) Prison; [Ord. 2017-007]
(6) Solid Waste Transfer Station; [Ord.
(7) Water or Wastewater Treatment Plant; and, [Ord. 2017-007]
(8) Zoo. [Ord. 2017-007]
(9) Except when located adjacent to a parcel having a residential FLU
designation, residential zoning district, or residential use, barbed wire that is not visible from
any public street, may be installed with the following uses: [Ord. 2017-007]
(a) Contractor Storage Yard; [Ord.
(b) Salvage or Junk Yard; [Ord.
(c) Self-Service Storage; [Ord.
(d) Sugar Mill or Refinery; and, [Ord.
(e) Towing Service and Storage. [Ord.
(10) Bona Fide
Agriculture Use Located in AGR, AP, and AR Zoning Districts; and AGR-PDD
Preserve Parcels
When Bona Fide Agriculture is
located in the AR Zoning District other than nurseries, barbed wire shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from any
property line. [Ord. 2017-007]
(11) Properties with a conservation FLU designation, for the purposes of
protecting publicly-owned natural areas; [Ord.
2005-002] [Ord. 2010-005] [Ord. 2011-001]
(12) Properties where the owner can document a valid Development Permit
for the use of barbed wire; [Ord. 2010-005] [Ord. 2011-001] [Ord.
(13) The Zoning Director shall have the authority to
allow the installation of barbed wire for any uses pursuant to Art. 4.B, Use Classification, when the Applicant demonstrates a need to comply
with Federal, State, or Local Government regulations. In support of the barbed
wire installation, the Zoning Director may require the Applicant to perform
mitigation in order to address compatibility with adjacent properties or
visibility from adjacent street right-of-way; and, [Ord. 2010-005] [Ord. 2011-001] [Ord. 2017-007]
(14) A removal agreement shall be executed to remove the barbed wire, prior to issuance of a Building
Permit. This agreement shall require the removal of the barbed wire in the event the use changes to another use not
allowed in the list above. [Ord.
b) Standards
(1) Height
The barbed wire shall not exceed 20 percent of the overall permitted
height of the fence or wall or two feet whichever is less. [Ord. 2017-007]
(2) Height Exemption
Bona Fide Agriculture, Prisons, and
other uses as authorized by the Zoning Director pursuant to provisions in Art. 5.B.1.A.2.e.1)a)(13),
shall be permitted to exceed the 20 percent provision. The calculation of the overall height of a fence or wall is inclusive of
any barbed wire. [Ord. 2005-002]
[Ord. 2010-005] [Ord. 2011-001] [Ord. 2017-007]
2) Electrified Fences – Exceptions and Regulations
The use of electrified fences is prohibited except in instances as
detailed below. The County recognizes that electrified fences may be necessary
to secure certain non-residential uses or structures. Therefore, the County
allows the installation of electrified fencing, subject to the following: [Ord. 2013-018]
a) Allowable Uses
for Electrified Fences
Electrified fences shall only be allowed for the following uses: [Ord.
(1) Commercial uses, as follows: [Ord. 2013-018]
(a) Auction, Outdoor; [Ord. 2013-018]
(b) Contractor Storage Yard; [Ord. 2013-018]
(c) Flea Market, Outdoor; [Ord. 2013-018] [Ord. 2017-007]
(d) Landscape Service; [Ord. 2013-018]
(e) Laundry Services; [Ord. 2013-018]
(f) Marina; [Ord. 2017-007]
(g) Parking, Commercial; [Ord. 2013-018] [Ord. 2017-007]
(h) Repair and Maintenance, Heavy;
[Ord. 2013-018] [Ord. 2017-007]
(i) Self-Service Storage, Limited
Access; [Ord. 2013-018] [Ord. 2017-007]
(j) Self-Service Storage, Multi-Access; [Ord. 2017-007]
(k) Towing Service and Storage; [Ord. 2013-018] [Ord. 2017-007]
(l) Vehicle Sales and Rental,
Light; and, [Ord. 2013-018] [Ord.
(m) Vehicle or Equipment Sales and Rental, Heavy. [Ord. 2017-007]
(2) Institutional, public, and civic uses, as follows: [Ord. 2013-018] [Ord. 2017-007]
(a) Airport; and [Ord. 2013-018]
(b) Government Services. [Ord. 2013-018]
(3) Recreation uses, as follows: [Ord. 2013-018]
(a) Zoo. [Ord. 2013-018] [Ord. 2017-007]
(4) All uses listed as agricultural
uses in Art. 4.B.6.A, Agricultural Use Matrix. [Ord.
2013-018] [Ord. 2017-007]
(5) All uses listed under the utility
Use Classification in Art. 4.B.7.A, Utility Use Matrix. [Ord.
2013-018] [Ord. 2017-007]
(6) All uses listed under the excavation
Use Classification in Art. 4.B.10.A, Excavation Use Matrix. [Ord.
(7) All uses listed as industrial uses
in Table 4.B.5.A, Industrial Use Matrix. [Ord.
(8) Accessory Outdoor Storage in
accordance with Art. 5.B.1.A.3, Outdoor Storage and
Activities. [Ord. 2013-018]
(9) Properties with a conservation
FLU designation, for the purposes of protecting publicly-owned natural areas. [Ord. 2013-018]
(10) To secure permanent mechanical
equipment except on individual residential lots. [Ord. 2013-018]
(11) The Zoning Director shall have
the authority to allow the installation of electrified fences for any uses
pursuant to Art. 4.B, Use Classification, when the Applicant demonstrates a need to
comply with Federal, State, or Local Government regulations. The Zoning
Director may require the Applicant to perform mitigation in order to address
compatibility with adjacent properties or visibility from adjacent street
right-of-way. [Ord. 2013-018]
(12) An agreement to remove an
electrified fence shall be executed prior to issuance of a Building Permit. The
agreement shall require removal of the electrified fence if the use changes to
other than an allowable use listed above. [Ord.
b) Standards
Electrified fences shall be installed, operated, or maintained in
compliance with the following: [Ord. 2013-018]
(1) Technical
All electrified fences are subject to permitting and review by the
Building Division and shall be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in
a manner not to be injurious to individuals. [Ord. 2013-018]
(2) Exterior Non-Electrified
Fence or Wall
Electrified fences and gates shall be attached to the interior of, or
completely surrounded on the side facing the property exterior, by a non-electrified
fence or wall that meets the following requirements: [Ord. 2013-018]
(a) Minimum of six feet in height;
[Ord. 2013-018]
(b) The separation between the
exterior, non-electrified fence or wall, and the electrified fence shall be a
minimum of four inches and a maximum of eight inches; [Ord. 2013-018]
(c) When adjacent to or within 50
feet of a parcel of land with a residential FLU designation or use, the
non-electrified fence shall include a solid material that will screen the
electrified fence from view and prevent a person from being able to penetrate
the non-electrified fence; and, [Ord.
(d) Exterior fences such as chain
link shall have openings no larger than two and three-eighths inches. [Ord. 2013-018]
(3) Public Warning Signage
Provide and maintain signage, subject to prior review by the Building
Division, which satisfies the intent of the requirements contained in ISO 3864
or a current equivalent internationally accepted standard, and that such
signage be placed within ten feet of all corners, not more than 45 feet apart,
so as to be plainly visible. Exceptions to screening or landscaping
requirements may be permitted where necessary to ensure visibility of signage. [Ord. 2013-018]
(4) Height
The maximum height of an electrified fence and any attachments shall not
exceed the height of any required exterior non-electrified fence or wall, or
other required screening, by more than a maximum of two feet in height. Any
portion of an electrified fence that exceeds the height of the non-electrified
fence shall be limited to a maximum of two horizontally placed strands per
vertical foot, a maximum of 12.5 gauge in diameter, with attachments spaced not
less than 20 feet on center, excluding gates. [Ord. 2013-018]
(5) Location, Landscaping,
or Screening
(a) Within Required
Electrified fences shall not be permitted within any required setback or
within 50 feet from property lines, whichever is greater, unless the perimeter landscape
buffer is in compliance with Art. 7, Landscaping,
unless stated otherwise herein. [Ord.
(b) Within 50 Feet of
Any Property Line
Any electrified fence located within 50 feet of any property line
(excluding within a required perimeter buffer) and abutting a non-conforming landscape
buffer, shall be screened from view by landscaping, fences, walls, or buildings,
excluding the top two feet. [Ord.
(c) Outdoor Storage
The use of electrified fences in outdoor storage areas shall only be
permitted when in compliance with the following screening requirements, excluding
the top two feet: [Ord. 2013-018]
(1) When located in non-residential districts, the screening
requirements of Art. 5.B.1.A.3, Outdoor Storage and
Activities; and [Ord. 2013-018]
(2) When located in residential districts or for uses which allow
outdoor storage by definition or in another Section, shall be screened from
view by landscaping, fences, walls, or buildings. [Ord. 2013-018]
(d) Mechanical
The use of electrified fences with mechanical equipment shall only be
permitted when in compliance with the screening requirements of Art. 5.B.1.A.20, Mechanical Equipment, excluding the top two feet. [Ord. 2013-018]
(6) Non-Conforming
Dangerous Materials
If a property has non-conforming dangerous materials in areas that will
be secured by the installation of electrified fences, the dangerous materials
shall be removed prior to electrification or the issuance of a Certificate of Completion
by the PBC Building Division for the electrified fence. [Ord. 2013-018]
and TDD Limitations
(a) Electrified fences shall not
be permitted in any URAO, IRO, or TDD developments constructed with a required
build-to-line or any other area unless located behind buildings and in areas
not accessible by the public. [Ord.
2013-018] [Ord. 2017-025]
(b) Electrified fences within the
WCRAO shall be prohibited in all sub-areas except for the UI Sub-area. [Ord. 2013-018]
Outdoor storage of merchandise, inventory, vehicles and trailers used in
operation of a business, equipment, refuse, or similar materials, and outdoor
activities associated with a use operation in all zoning districts shall be
subject to the following standards, unless stated otherwise: [Ord. 2017-007]
[Ord. 2019-039]
Figure 5.B.1.A – Outdoor Storage